Sunday, 12 August 2012

And we're back in the room...

It's been a while since my last post, but I've not been idle! Well, not in the real world anyway (work got busy and I was doing some training - and since I do all my hobby stuff at work now, it's fallen by the wayside... tl;dr, too busy for hobby).

I have been up some hobby tho! Following the kickstarter I've started a blog over on the mantic forum/blogs covering my progress though them - I've avoided posting it up on here so I didn't just post the same things twice.

But what of the OC? Fear not! I've decided to start a new army more befitting for this blogs title:

So I've got myself a whole bunch of deamons and some fancy resin bases to put them on. I'll post up some more pictured once I've made some actual progress. (also, if it's true that CSM are in the pipeline, I can make an allied deamon/word bearer force. With lots of cultists...)


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