After (about) two months on hiatus, I'm back! Why way I gone? Mostly boring day-job related stuff. But don't think i've been resting on my laurels whilst the OC has been mothballed! I finished painting the Zombicide Abomination!
Seen here on his first, and last, day at the jam factory. |
Not only that! Before painting this guy I painted the second, and final, tray of zombies! Which means I've finished painting my copy of Zombicide! This project is due a major photodump on all the progress I've made during (and a bit before) the hiatus so expect that as soon as I have the photos.
All this is good news for me (not only because I've proven i can actually finish projects - and it's only taken my 4 months!), since it's been announced that Zombicide Season 2 (+Toxic City Mall) will be
shipping a month early! So I've got a month or so's break before I dive back into Zombicide Painting.
In this time I've decided that I will work though another of my Kickstarter hauls, this time Dreadball. I've already made a start on a couple of the teams (Forgefathers and Marauders) and I've painted up a couple of the MVP's so i've got a head start, expect some more posts on them over the next few months.
Anyway, that's all for now!